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Case Study - Automated KPI testing for LTE Modems


One of the largest semiconductor companies in the world.

The requirement

The requirement was to augment and improve a wireless test automation solution for LTE modems. The focus was on comparitive performance testing where the performance of customer solution being developed and the competitor solutions in the market were being compared through automated KPI testing. The customer needed a consultant who was an expert in  mobile and cloud computing.

Our Solution

The fulfilment warranted experience in multiple domains and since the requirement was very high level , it needed a lot of research and communication to bring the solution to success. In spite of all these challenges , the deployed consultant was able to analyse , gather all pre-requisites and bring the solution to life.

Concluding Notes

The business partnership with the customer was successful and the product was successfully launched in 2017 and the test solution was used by multiple groups in the customer organisation.

Emdesic Technology Solutions Denmark ApS
Niels Jernes Vej 6
9220 , Aalborg


CVR-nr 33066635

Copyright 2022 Emdesic Technology Solutions

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